Problem: Improve bottle service sales for restaurant/lounge
Solution: Tablet app
Result: Average profit per sale up 18%; customer satisfaction up by 53%+
Restaurants and clubs understand the profit potential of bottle service. Our client wanted to take his program to the next level by not only improving profit and sales, but also by radically improving the experience for his customers.
The Moventis team built a tablet app as a digital bottle service menu to replace the old paper menus. Management now had the ability to change bottle specials on the fly, leveraging any supplier incentives or pushing stagnant inventory. Customers had a hip, modern tool that was also easy to read in the darkest of rooms. And the increased selection of specials and themed discounts helped push overall bottle sales upward.
An added plus was that the bottle service staff no longer had to scream over the loud music to explain minimum bottle rules. No more screaming any specials that were not listed on the old paper menus. More upscale experience for both the customers and the staff.
How Did We Do with Bottle Service?
The average profit per sale climbed 18%, primarily due to better utilization of supplier incentives. The rise in customer satisfaction was measured through two means. First was the selective use of post-purchase customer surveys. Second was the rise in social mentions for the establishment and especially for the bottle service. There was also a rise in bottle service tips, though was considered anecdotal and was not reflected in the customer satisfaction scores.